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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Here's the deal: I'm going to an audition for a play today, I'm not nervous, but


Here's the deal: I'm going to an audition for a play today, I'm not nervous, but I'm nervous when I ge........

And I'm nervous when I get there, please help me calm my nerves!!!!

P.S. I've been with this theater for a really long time so I'm pretty sure they'll give me a part but still, please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you ask people to calm you down, you will only get more nervous. Relax and chill. What you need to do now is to tell yourself: "I will do just fine." I have been on stage couple times and all i do is just look far away, far far away. Don't ever make eye contact with audiences and pretend you are standing in the middle of nowhere, where there is no one at all. You can do it. Good luck.