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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can trained singers please answer me on vocal range?


Can trained singers please answer me on vocal range?

my vocal range is of about 2 octaves. i want to extend it to hit higher notes and litterally shout them/belt them out. not scream but really tear out the vocals.

im trying to sing "say hello 2 heaven" by "temple of the dog" have a listen to it. i can do the verse no problem but when it gets to the chorus and it shifts up and the vocals get louder i loose it. my throat tightens and strains and i just cant hit it.

are there any ways to train my voice so that i can hit those notes?
and also any to make it louder?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
so the simple answre is yes you can get better just not over night keep working at it