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Position:Home>Performing Arts> In your opinion, how would you best prepare for playing the role of Marian Paroo


In your opinion, how would you best prepare for playing the role of Marian Paroo in "The Music Man" ?

Wow, I'm still stunned about getting the part because I auditioned for a supporting role, but I apparently preformed so well that the director was afraid that I would upstage whoever got the lead...

I didn't really prepare for the part of Marian, so I never really got a chance to develop my character. I'm really excited about getting the part but I don't know if I know her well enough...hehe

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She's very uptight at first. Remember that her turning point when it comes to Harold Hill is when the band instrument arrives and she sees the change in Winthrop. She loosens up after that. But only a little. She's very prim and proper. That's why her encounter with Charlie is so hilarious. That's very un-Marian-like to behave as she does. You should also show how much Marian has fallen for Harold. Marian needs to get weak in the knees for him by the end of the show.

While I never recommend watching the movie of a musical when preparing for a role, if you have difficulty with the stiffness and uppity attitude Marian exhibits, watch the Robert Preston/Shirley Jones movie. Shirley Jones is a great Marian. If you can get your hands on the TV movie, Kristen Chenowith did a bang-up job as well. However, use those as a last resort. Try to make your own character, not copy the movies. If people want to see Shirley or Kristen, they'll pop in the movies. They want to see YOUR interpretation of Marian Paroo. That's a phenomenal role! Break a leg!!