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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i not be so nervous when i sing in front of people?


How can i not be so nervous when i sing in front of people?

How can i not be so nevous when i sing in front of people? Because every time I try to I get so scared.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Helen Hayes once was asked how she got over stage fright, She replied that she never had and that the day she was no longer nervous before going on was the day she would retire because it meant that she no longer cared how her performance went.

Stage fright is normal, everyone, even Madonna or Pavarotti get it. Just be sure you don't go onstage with something you're not ready for. Perform the things you know you can do, and leave the rest for another time.

No one is judging you (unless you're in Auditions Class at BOCES Cultural Arts High School, and then no one EVER stops judging you!), but I digress . . . the audience wants you to do well because they want to be entertained, and goofing up isn't entertaining. They've come into the theater with the expectation that you are good at what you do, and 9 times out of 10 you meet those expectations, or even exceed them!

Good luck, sing out, believe in yourself!