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What monologue or links to be done in four days?

Im auditioning for a play called JUVIE. Its set in a juvenile detention centre. What monologue should I do? It said the monologue can be of our choice, but would it be better to do it in the same theme of the play? Im so nervous, it's my first audition...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey there, good luck with your first audition! Don't worry, they get easier after each one. ^.^ I've been acting and sometimes directing for over ten years; my secret, as crazy and contradictory as it sounds, is to pick a monologue which is the total OPPOSITE to the play you're auditioning for. Assuming that this is a fairly serious play, which it sounds from the description, my suggestion would be to use a comic monologue. As an actor and a director, I can tell you that it'll demonstrate definite artistic boldness to the people you're auditioning in front of. Furthermore, while anyone can cry and have a hissy fit and carry on in a dramatic play, it requires true talent to perform a monologue full of comic (or plain unremarkable) dialogue. Last of all, it'll make you and your performance stand out from the rest of the auditionees with the same old scripts about jilted love, rape, abusive husbands etc. This method of monologue selection works a charm for me.

Type in "comic monologues" and variations of such into a search engine; you'll find heaps of free monologues to choose from. As they say, break a leg!