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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you write a monologue... i need to know for a class oral presentation?


How do you write a monologue... i need to know for a class oral presentation?

The monologue must be 10 mins. long.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You may want to include some sort of internal transition. Like, the first minute or two you are yelling at someone in another room during an argument; but they don't talk back, and what you were saying about them turns into what you're thinking about you. Or you start explaining this random funny thing that happened to you once (in the past, that morning, whatever), but along the way this insignificant event comes to symbolize some problem or aspect of your life that is deeper, more emotional. This is especially powerful if it looks like the actor doesn't really realize he's transitioning; it's so subconscious that while he's in it, he doesn't get it, but of course the audience get's it right away.

Ten minutes is a long time; maybe tell three little anecdotes and connect them with a theme? Three stories from your childhood? Your three worst roommates/dates?

Good luck.