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Who Plays Guitar?

Heya guys, I got a question for all you guitar players out there. I've been playing for 4 years or so, and I have spent about $3000-$4000 on all of my guitar equipment. Now, lately I do not feel like playing anymore, and it isn't even any fun to me, I just pick it up and FORCE myself to play. I mean, has anyone here been playing for a while, and has not felt like playing at a certain time in your life? Or has anyone switched instruments maybe? I need some help here, real down about this all, sigh...Thanks alot guys.


Additional Details

7 months ago
I forgot to put this in, but, when you guys play, is it fun for you? Do you really enjoy playing for hours on end until you absolutely need for when work, sleep, washroom, etc calls?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
I forgot to put this in, but, when you guys play, is it fun for you? Do you really enjoy playing for hours on end until you absolutely need for when work, sleep, washroom, etc calls?