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I'm new at guitar, and I'd like some tips on how to stroke?

I started playing guitar this summer, and the only stroke I know is:

down, down, up up down up

I know that's the basic stroke and I shouldn't go too fast since I'm just learning, but are there any common strokes that are used in songs like, let's say,
"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd? (i'm playing that song right now and i just can't figure out how to play the rhythm right!!!)
Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, there is the downstroke, which is standard. The upstroke, which is the opposite. Tremolo picking is when you have a slight palm mute and picking one string at a time all the way down during a chord.

There's fingerpicking, where some people either grow out their nails and use them as picks, or they get those picks that wrap around the fingers in order to get the dual-sounding picking normally associated with guitar gurus like Eric Clapton, Esteban and bluegrass banjo players.

You have a wide spectrum of varieties and maybe you could make one particular style yours.

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