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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I get in direct touch with the producers of a mini-series?


How can I get in direct touch with the producers of a mini-series?

Our regionally recognized museum of natural history is planning a year long exhibition on AFRICA in 2008; including a grand opening with African Embassy heads, major exhibitions, a year-long speaker and film series, etc. We wouldd like to personally get in touch with the producers of the mini series Shaka Zulu. In addition we would like contact people in major museums in Africa, Europe and Great Britain (as well as the United States and Canada) who may be willing to loan exhibit items for the year of the exhibition. Can you help?

Richard Alan Stout
Director Emeritus
SMNH and Planetarium
Gastonia, N.C. 28056

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well...I would find out who produced the series and who their agents or representation is...go from there.