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Songs that could represent Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 1,2,3?

Does anyone know any songs that could represent scenes 1, 2, and 3 in Act 4 of Julius Caesar?

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7 months ago
In Scene 1 Julius Caesar is murdered.

In Scene 2 Brutus and Anthony give their speeches.

In Scene 3 Cinna the poet is killed.

7 months ago
It should be popular modern day songs about the themes form Julius Caesar, like betrayal, backstabbing (scene 1), people who don't have minds of their own (scene 2), and humanity and murder (scene 3).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
In Scene 1 Julius Caesar is murdered.

In Scene 2 Brutus and Anthony give their speeches.

In Scene 3 Cinna the poet is killed.