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Im a boy.When I was young I can hit those high notes of any song in full voice,But when I turned 14 y/o; my voice bacame so big. REALLY BIG maybe because Im fat so my larynx enlarges too so. I mourn for it and even hated singing sinnce then. I want my voice to be back so ill sound a girl since its what Ive been used. One day luckily I discovered singing in fallsetto and my wish was made true. Now I can even hit those whistle notes but Im worried if Ill lose this again. Will I lose this? Will my larynx enlarge as I go old? If so What should I do? Im now 15 and I currently enjoy my voice but honestly Im so worried. Help me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Time changes a man..... One cannot stay the same because of time...... You will become better with age, so worry not about the sound of your voice.... Just love who you are and make adjustments to your self as time allows......

Be happy with yourself...... Change will happen.....

your sister,