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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i strengthen my voice to sing both alto and soprano?


How can i strengthen my voice to sing both alto and soprano?

For the last few years i've always been a soprano in choir but then one day my choir teacher said that i had a beautiful alto voice and would i mind singing with the alot's because they werent that i started singing with them.but now everytime i sing i feel like im losing my soprano voice and im just wondering are there any voice excercises or anything that could help me to be able to sing both parts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Baby beware, she is buttering you up. Choir directors have a difficult time finding good altos. Be assertive with your choir director and tell her that your voice feels better with the higher repertoire if that's how it is. You only have one voice to lose.

If you want to oblige her until Christmas, the best thing is to just make sure you aren't pushing the sound out or trying to make your voice bigger than it's supposed to be. Allow your voice to just be as free as possible. If it's uncomfortable, there's something wrong.