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How do I make myself practice the cello more?

I play the cello, but I can not make myself practice enough. I have to play at least 1/2 hours a day, but I can not make myself do that. I usually forget that I have to practice. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try thinking about it in terms of doing 5 specific things, rather than thinking about spending 30 minutes. In other words, make a list of 5 things you want to do, and once you do those, you'll be done.

For instance, starting with a couple of scales, or whatever you usually start with. That could be the first thing. Then moving on to playing the first half of the piece you're working on, noting whatever it is that you're working on in that piece, and working on that piece for a bit. That's the 2nd thing. And so on, until you've done five things. Chances are, your 30 minutes will be up and the time will have passed more quickly because you're thinking in terms of accomplishing small tasks, rather than thinking about the time. I hope this helps a bit, and good luck!