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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am going to start my own demo albulm and i do not know what to sing a bout?


I am going to start my own demo albulm and i do not know what to sing a bout?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're going to spend all the time and effort needed to record a demo, you'd better have material you are so passionate about that you don't care about all the work involved. You should sing about something you care about profoundly, that you think everyone needs to hear, that you can't keep from expressing. That said, we can't tell you want to sing about, and you shouldn't need to ask.

If you aren't going to sing your own stuff, cover a bunch of songs you really like. Jazz standards, current pop songs, whatever...

The point is you should be motivated to make this demo based on the music and your passion for it, not on your desire to make an album.

If you want help from fellow songwriters, google around for songwriters guilds/fellowships/groups in your city. Or visit a local music venue and see if they know anything about such a group.

If you're just looking for general inspiration.... listen to music. Good writers read all the time; the same goes for good singer/songwriters.