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I need to learn to speak with a Chinese accent...?

I'm auditioning for my school play, and the monologue we're supposed to read is as follows-
" Miss Ethel Peas. Hotel Priscilla. Regret to inform you. Stop. Great Uncle Cyrus killed. Stop. In freak threshing accident. Stop! What a way to go! Well, my condolences to your family. What, no family? Sad to be all alone in the world. But step into my office and enjoy a soothing cup of green tea. One of the mysteries of the Orient! By the time you finish, you be calm and quiet, and ready for a very long nap!"
If you have any tips, they would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know how much dialect resources are available to you in your area, but you might try dialect tapes if you're really serious about it. Those little things are fantastic if you sit and listen to them for a while, then try speaking the phrases yourself, you pick up how different sounds are pronounced differently so you can speak anything you want with that dialect! You might could find these tapes at a library, local community theatre, or university theatre department. But like I said, if you're really serious about it, try it out. It would probably impress your director and make you that much better already for if you get the part!

Best Wishes!