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Are classical musicians more analytical/logical or emotional?

I love classical music since it allows both analytical and emotional expressions. So do other types, but I will stick with classical for the purpose of questioning. In speaking with a professional cellist, he mentioned how in playing spanish music, he must acutally be very analytical although many times spanish music is very passionate. I would imagine that a life of music would allow more natural freedom of expression with emotions, but it is impossible to play classical music well without a fine control of emotions. I want to know what you think.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a very tricky question. Some classical music by nature lends itself to an analytical approach. The fugue, for example, is a very complex form that requires great care and skill to write well. (J.S. Bach is the undisputed master of this form.) Other music, such as much Italian opera, is very passionate and emotional.

Classical musicians spend years perfecting their technique so that they can bring out the emotional content of the music. When done well, there is really nothing like it!