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Singing: Is it possible to only be able to sing one type of music?

I am trained in singing classical music, by this I mean operatic stuff, chorale music....Ave Maria, the works. I'm a soprano 1 meaning my range is usually very high.

However, I have a hard time singing pop music. Is this normal? If you can sing one type of music--in this case classical, yet not sing pop well?

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7 months ago
The thing is, my music professors say pop music isn't "real" in that it uses the throat voice rather than the abdominal, which is used in opera.

Thus, I'm not sure if you can "practice" and train to sing pop music...considering music professors don't find it as real singing.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
The thing is, my music professors say pop music isn't "real" in that it uses the throat voice rather than the abdominal, which is used in opera.

Thus, I'm not sure if you can "practice" and train to sing pop music...considering music professors don't find it as real singing.