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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Each year new hires are required to "entertain" at the company Christm


Each year new hires are required to "entertain" at the company Christmas party. Any original ideas?

In the past most newbies have performed by singing a Christmas song. We don't really have enough room (or time) to perform an elaborate skit w/props, but I'd like to do something a little more memorable than just standing there singing. Something funny or gimicky. We've pretty much determined we're singing...we just need to make it funny. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated by both the newbies and the poor coworkers who have to endure our performance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We do this in our annual Madrigal dinner show and the audience loves it.

Learn the traditional "12 Days of Christmas". Create a simple motion to be performed for each day (ex. Have someone pretend to be drumming for the 12 drummers drumming, or jump in the air for the 10 Lords a'Leaping). To perform, line 12 people up in front of the audience. Each of these people will perform one motion for each day as it is sung (person furthest stage right [audience left] makes motion for "partridge in a pear tree", person next over makes motion for "two turtle doves").

Before you sing, tell the audience that the number of each day corresponds to the month they were born, and that they need to stand up and do the corresponding motion each time their day is sung (So people born in January have to stand up and do the motion for "And a partridge in a pear tree" every time it is sung, but people born in December only have to stand and do the final "12 drummers drumming" motion). Have some people call out the correct month just before that verse is about to be sung (After the first "and a partridge in a pear tree", they yell "February!" just before the group sings "On the second day of Christmas..."). It's a hoot seeing people do the motions, and the audience can discuss afterward "I didn't know you have a January birthday!" and other such holiday cheer.

Another option would be the humorous version, "The Twelve Days After Christmas". The lyrics are linked to below, but note that this has it's own tune, so you would all basically need to learn this piece of music, and I don't know if you want to get that involved (link to the sheet music site is below as well).

Hope your musical Christmas party is a rousing success!