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Help with a singing?

I am an O.K. singer, but if I want to hit a wider range of notes, I need help! Is there any online singing program that actually worked. I've seen tons that are like "this really works" and "you'll be a great singer in just three weeks" and of course these courses cost money. Have any of you tried any of them, and did they work, and what are the called? please help! I want to become a singer!! At least at church!

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7 months ago
At least, I think I am an okay singer, in a certain range anyway. But I'm homeschooled, ergo can't join a school choir. And I have a limited singing range and my church sings contemporary chreistian music, and they cover lots of pitches. My voice breaks alot and I can't read music (I can read the words tho, lol) and don't want to embaress myself in front of the whole church

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
At least, I think I am an okay singer, in a certain range anyway. But I'm homeschooled, ergo can't join a school choir. And I have a limited singing range and my church sings contemporary chreistian music, and they cover lots of pitches. My voice breaks alot and I can't read music (I can read the words tho, lol) and don't want to embaress myself in front of the whole church