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Position:Home>Performing Arts> In music, why has 440 Hz (and 220...) been assigned the letter "A"? Is


In music, why has 440 Hz (and 220...) been assigned the letter "A"? Is it related to Aeolian?

I need a Music Theory/Music History professor. I think a Music Theory professor said the letter names in the diatonic sequence of half steps and whole steps have an ancient Greek origin.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The name 'Aeolian' has nothing to do with the 'A' pitch.

* Aeolian is a name of a mode, a scale from one of a Greek polis (mean city) in ancient times, named Aeo (or something like that), so the name is as it is. While other mode such as the Phrygian was taken from the polis of Phry, Lydian from Lyd, Dorian from Dor, Ionian from Ion (I think), etc. just like American from America, Norwegian from Norwey, Highlander from Highland, etc.

* The Frekwencies of 440 Hz was taken because this is the middle frequencies of all human's voice - untrained/non-singer.

The letter 'A' was used since it was the first letter of western alphabeth.

So since the standarization the frequency of 440Hz was assigned to the 'A' pitch, and the Ionian mode assigned as the major scale, the aeolian as the minor scale, etc...

Hope this help
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