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How much should a performer be getting paid for a gig?

I wanted to know how much to charge for a corporate event and dinners and stuff because normally i charge $100-$200 for 2 sets 40 minutes each . Is this too cheap? How much do singers get paid for these kind of things? I want to know.....

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7 months ago
My duet partner and I perform together just so that we don't strain our voices, we perfomr slos and duets, 200-400 for both of us including us bringing the sound equimpent and everything...does the price still sound right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
My duet partner and I perform together just so that we don't strain our voices, we perfomr slos and duets, 200-400 for both of us including us bringing the sound equimpent and everything...does the price still sound right?