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How hard is it to sing for a living?

I was wondering, how hard is it to get in a professional choir? Do you have any suggestions for schools? ect?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are very few professional choirs that pay enough to be one's primary source of income. There are lots that I call "semi-pro", i.e. they pay, but not enough to live on.

People in these kinds of choirs tend to have "day jobs" either in or out of music. Some teach voice lessons, or have other music-related jobs. Some work at ordinary jobs in business, retail, etc.

If you want to have a career in music, you should probably look into doing music as a major. While it is possible to have a music career without doing that, it is difficult to get the training you need just studying voice, theory, etc. outside of a collegiate setting. (Although it can be, and is, done all the time.)

Good luck!