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A song for a show?

I sing opera and classical, I have a voice teacher, and I'm in this play, we're writing a script and performing at a theatre later in the year, since I sing and have a good voice they want me too sing something, are there any songs I could download that are about growing up, getting older, time ticking by, life moving on, getting older, being a teen, being a child, being an adult, somehting very beautiful.. Something you think would fit our show... Our show's title is 'Tick', any ideas?????

Thanks! By the way I'm a soprano.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: * "Memories" from Cats/Andrew Lloyd Webber requires a strong operatic theatrical voice.

* If you can sing a duet, there's a cute song from Li'l Abner
where Daisy Mae is fretting about the problems with being "Past Your Prime." But it is sung in a hilly billy dialect, not opera or classical.

* "16 going on 17" from the Sound of Music is a classic, and very upbeat and cute.