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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I play the viola and i want to know any really good orchestra that i can play


I play the viola and i want to know any really good orchestra that i can play in?

i have been playing for about 15 years so i am pretty good. i really want to get a good job with my hobby.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Pretty good" won't get you into a good-paying orchestra. The good-paying orchestras only hire the best. But, there are plenty of lower paying orchestras (about $100 for a 2 or 3 hour rehearsal or concert) out there where pretty good might get you in. Most musicians who play in these orchestras have to supplement their income by playing several of them at a time, and teaching as many students as they can find.

The way to start in these orchestras is to meet the contractors who hire for the orchestra. The way I suggest you meet these contractors is by studying with a teacher at a local college. Colleges often get calls from contractors who are having a hard time filling all their jobs.