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How do I remedy throat-singing?

I am a natural singer, but I have now found that I sing from my throat, due to having been pushed beyond my capabilities as a singer in middle school. I also have extremely tense neck muscles and thick mucus. The throat-singing is causing my throat to hurt after singing in class and show choir rehearsals, so I am wondering as to how I would best remedy this, as my choral directors have never noticed it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As a more quick fix for throat pain, gargle luke-warm salt water twice a day, drink LOTS of water and tea with honey throughout the day, and suck on cough drops. But if this has gotten as bad as it sounds you should do either one or both of the following things:

1. Get some private voice lessons with a teacher who can show you what you're doing what causes the throat problems and neck tension.

2. See an Eye, Nose, and Throat doctor. He or she can assess the damage to your throat or vocal chords and may have additional medicines or lifestyle changes to suggest.