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Help Please! Singers Advice Needed!?

Ok well i went in to yesterday to record my cd, and well i was there from 830pm-1030pm recording and we only got 2 songs recorded. And trust me its a lot of work. But other than that, I noticed that I'm loosing my voice. So what can I do stop making it go away? I'm also going back on Friday to record my other 5 songs. So i need my voice for Friday! Please Help! Thanks I would also apperiacte any other tips and advice! Thanks!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The fact of losing your voice isn't a good thing.

First, you need to see if you are singing from your throat, or if you are singing from your stomach. That is easy to check.

If you are singing from your throat, which I suspect you will lose your voice much easier, it will be sore.

If you are singing from your stomach, just place your hand along your diaphragm and start singing, the articulations you are singing will be felt at your diaphragm.

If you are throat singing, I'd start getting vocal lessons with a vocal teacher, (preferably someone at an university) who can help you correct your problem.

As for home remedy, drinking tea, sucking on cough drops, not screaming, talking in a low voice, (doing anything to keep any strain off of your vocal cords) putting lemon juice in tea. These things will help soothe your throat.

Also, do not drink anything with caramel coloring before you sing within 2 hours of when you do sing. (Any dark soda, along with other things). This will stick to your vocal cords and cause your projection to suffer, along with enunciation as well.

hope i helped.