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Question about bending notes on a guitar?

when you are bending a string TOWARD yourself, for example, bending a note on the high E or B string up toward the other strings, do you let your fingernail go under or over the other strings? mine tend to go under the strings and it kind of crowds them all together, so I am wondering what is the "official" way to do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Interesting.. "Official" way to hold your finger?

There's no official way, but depending on whether or not the other strings are also making a sound, you may want to avoid touching them. Instead of pushing, you might experiment with pulling the string toward you to see if you get the sound you want and that way avoid the thing with your finger?

When I push the string I tend to let my finger go over the next string. The nails on my left hand are pretty short and don't cause a problem.