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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Has any one heard of the Soddy Daisy High School Marching Band?


Has any one heard of the Soddy Daisy High School Marching Band?

last year we went to the Cotton bowl and got GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPION for concert band!!! then this year we went to the southern states championship and became state champions!!! and then we went to nationals in baltiore, maryland and got fourth!! so were the best band in our state and the 4th best band in the U.S.!!! just wondering if anyone has ever heard of us please l et me know even if you have the faintest idea of who we are or if you're ion your own schools masrching band and would like to share some things, please let me know everytihng you wanna share! thx.

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7 months ago
it's near chattanooga and nationals was in indiannapolis, sry i just say baltimore because it's easier. it wasn't boa nationals though it was ussba.

7 months ago
we're a group 6.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
it's near chattanooga and nationals was in indiannapolis, sry i just say baltimore because it's easier. it wasn't boa nationals though it was ussba.