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I can't sing high!?

I'm in 8th grade and the play auditions are coming up!!! I can't sing high but I love to act! The problem is that you have to sing in your audition! Any tips?? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok there is no garuntee you can raise your range by an audition, howver my goal was to have a four octave and i did that in only a few months
anyway run scales with only your natural voice (chest voice) a few notes lower than your fal setto several times do this everyday. at the end of a week go one scale a whole step higher
this strengthers your voice which will help you heighten it
make sure when singing to stand with feet flat
and your stomach should tighten when you hit a higher note. It also helps to think about singing phsycologically, think that the note is "shorter" than you or lower
pick a song good for you to show off your best features and have total confidence if your stage presence is good, it gives both you and the director a boost of confidence