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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does any have any helpful ideas on mixing guitar, bass, and vocals?


Does any have any helpful ideas on mixing guitar, bass, and vocals?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For Bass —

The ratio between the low bass (80–120Hz) and the mid-bass (130Hz–200Hz) is important. Try using two fairly narrow peaking bands, one at 100Hz and another at 140Hz and boost one and cut the other. If the bass is too warm, sometimes reducing the upper band can make it more distinct without removing the deeper fundamentals that live in the 100Hz band. Also, try boosting some of the 1kHz area since this is where a lot of the sound of the bass lives.

For Guitars —

Boost midrange a lot (9dB or so) and sweep the frequencies until you hear the range where the guitar sounds thick but yet still bright enough to cut through. Now, back the boost down to about +4 or so until the guitar cuts through the mix without being too bright.

For Vocals—

Boost a little at 125Hz to 250Hz to accentuate the voice fundamental and make it more ??chesty??-sounding. The 2kHz to 4kHz range accentuates the consonants and makes the vocal seem closer to the listener.