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What is a BLUES GUITAR! Is it easy to learn?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First of all, there isn't a special kind of guitar called a "blues guitar." Instead, "blues guitar" is a style of playing which involves certain techniques and scales. In addition to the major and minor scales--crucial for any instrument which plays notes--there's a blues scale to be mastered as well.

If you're interested in playing the blues, first learn to play acoustic or electric guitar--learn to strum and especially to pick out melodies and scales, and learn to slide after that. If you have access to guitar lessons, take those. The heart of blues and jazz is improv, and the way to improv is to master scales and chords.

I've linked below to a couple of books at Amazon. The first is a true beginner's text. You can get it for about $15, and it teaches picking while assuming no prior knowledge of how to play the guitar. This way, you're picking up fundamentals and still aiming at blues. If you complete the book, you'll have practiced five blues tunes. It includes a CD as well.

The next book to which I've linked is more for those who have mastered guitar basics. It offers tips from the greats like B.B. King, Clapton, and others in addition to in-depth lessons. It sounds like the perfect place to go after you've mastered the first book, and it's about $12.

I can't reiterate enough, however, that if you can get access to lessons, take them. The regular discipline of practice in combination with being able to have an expert correct the mistakes you don't notice is worth the money and time for lessons if you're serious about your instrument.

Instrumental study is tough but very rewarding--I wish you well!