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Is playing a cello very difficult?

I have always loved the sound of a cello, but have been intimidated by playing them. I'm thinking though that it might be worth it to conquer that fear. I currently play the electric bass. I can't directly read music, but I can transcribe it; I mostly use tablature in my bass playing, which I don't think would work so well on a cello (since it is fretless)...

Please help? I don't want to drop money on something that I have no hope of playing, LOL

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well I started playing the cello in the 6th grade. I loved it. I thought I would not be any good at it but I was really good and it is a very nice instrument to learn to play. If anything maybe you should try taking some classes to see if you would like it or maybe even renting one from a music store and see if you have any interest after that. Good luck.