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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who would win in a fight between Bruce Lee and a chimpanzee?


Who would win in a fight between Bruce Lee and a chimpanzee?

Assuming Bruce was in his prime.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Haven't you seen Enter the Dragon? If the chimp threatened him to fight, he would trick the chimp to get on a boat so they could fight, then he would politely smile as the sea carried the chimp away. Ha ha.

Anyway, Bruce Lee was very well-versed in Eastern philosophy (i.e. Zen Buddhism, Taoism). Which is to say, he probably wouldn't fight an animal just to prove he could kick its ***. Kung fu masters only fight someone either in self-defense or because they've been dishonored. So I suppose technically the chimp would win by default. Unless he caught Bruce on a bad day, in which case that monkey is GOING DOWN.