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Do I have a chance?

Ok, here's my case: I'm a very shy girl and in my family I'm only known as the bookworm. I'm heavy but loosing weight, still with a lot of insecurities. People say I have a beautiful face but I know that's not enough. I'm 23 now and have a lot of stress about what to choose as my college major. I like to write short stories and poems but my battle is wether to study acting or music. I love to sing but don't know if I'm good at it. I started independent classes with a music teacher but I don't exactly trust him. Apparently I'm a soprano and he said something about a sharp DO or sharp bemol. I didn't understand this but whe I ask he didn't tell me what kind of soprano am I. He also said I got up to a B2. I know I'm not american idol material but just want to know what do you think. I mean a lot of women are soft singers like Karen Carpenter and Norah Jones and still make it right?Sorry for writing a lot but I'm very anxious to start my life. Love acting and singing, what do you think.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you like singing, consider a major in music with a minor in theater. If you don't trust your voice teacher, get another one. My first voice teacher was a perverted drunk. I had no idea that things could be different until I switched to my second voice teacher. She actually taught me how to sing rather than trying to feel me up.

The more that you learn and explore, the more secure you will become. You are still wonderfully young, but your best years lie ahead.

Consider reading the following book: "The Artist's Way: A spiritual path to higher creativity" by Julia Cameron. It has viable strategies for helping you clarify your artistic vision and life path. I would cnsider it a must for all who are seeking the answers that you seem to be seeking. Bon Chance!