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Broadway voice?

is it something your born with? my dream is to be in a real musica.. but i dont have a broadway voice. is it something you obtain? or is my dream as good as gone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While there used to be a "Broadway" voice because most of the shows all sounded the same, that has completely changed. Today, you hear a huge range of music types and vocal types. On one hand you have Rent that leans heavily to the rock/pop style of singing and on the other you have Mary Poppins that leans heavily to the more traditional/classical style of singing.

And that's just the shows. Within each show there is a huge range of voice types needed. If you don't think you have a traditional "Broadway" voice - look for a show and/or role that fits your voice type.

If you don't have much of a singing voice, keep in mind that many shows have character roles that don't require a strong singing voice and there are some roles that require no "real" singing at all.

Be sure to make the best of the raw talent you have. Get a good singing teacher to work with on a regular basis. They have the skills to help you make the most of the "Broadway" aspects of your voice. Also be sure to get experience at the local and regional level. If and when you think you're ready, go to New York and give it a shot.

Don't give up on your dream - but do be realistic. If you know what you do well and look for roles that fit your talents, then there's no reason why you can't take a shot at Broadway of you have the talent, drive, ambition, and connections! Good luck!