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How to sing louder and stronger?

I am a soprano in my church choir. I have a desent voice, i can sing in tune with everyone, i guess my problem is that i cant sing loud enough. I never used to have this problem before, but is it possible to overdue your voice like a while a ago and damage your voice? I just wanted to know because no matter how hard i try i can never sing loud enough. When i try, it hurts a lot and my chest hurts.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What works the best for me and many others that I have seen is ALCOHOL. Go to a karaoke night at any bar, later in the night you can see the results of alcohol. It actually doesn't matter if it is a karaoke night. You can find the same effects when ever alcohol and music are mixed.

Ever concert I've been to always seems to prove that point. I have the drunk guy that thinks he is going to be the next lead singer from the group.