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My vocal range?

A few years back, I considered myself an amazing singer. I was actually signed to an indie label and working on an album. However, I got pregnant and stopped working at it for a while. Since having my baby, I cannot sing anything that I used to. The songs that I write must have a limited range because my voice just will not work for me on those higher notes anymore. What happened? Is it just that I am out of practice, or did pregnancy hormones really screw with my vocal cords? Is there any way to gain back the voice that I used to have?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, yes, yes. Pregnancy can absolutely affect your voice. However, there are so many reasons, only you and/or your doctor can find out why.

1. Hormones (affect chords, edema, softening of ligaments)
2. Lost of muscle strength in the adbominal area
3. Stretched-out diaphragm and lack of diaphragmatic strength
4. Lungs that have not been stretched out since being scrunched up
5. Damage to vocal chords due to pushing
6. Damage to vocal chords if intubation was required
7. Water retention
8. Lack of time to sing/practice after the baby gets here. ;)

You didn't say how long ago you had the baby. If you really have concerns, see your regular doctor and/or an ENT. If you are all clear on the physical side, you might want to take some lessons with a voice teacher that specializes in getting adult students back on track after taking some time off.

I'm including a link that I like to share with my female voice students. Perhaps it will have some useful information.

Chances are you didn't really screw up your vocal chords - but there's no way to be sure. As long as there's nothing physically out of order you should be able to get your voice back to what it was. Some women think their voices are improved by pregnancy, others have your experience. Everyone is different, so you'll have to find what works for you.