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Christmas Talent Show Song?

I made it into the talent show..i'm singing i'll be home for christmas. I think the song is really nice..but i just noticed it's not long enough. So i was thinking that maybe i should sing another song along with it. But what song? And should it be another christmas song? This talent show is about christmas but for some reason no one is doing that as a theme for their act except me. Should i just sing another song, that's not christmas, along with I'll Be home for christmas... and what other song do you have in mind?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not long enough? The one I have is three and a half minutes long, which is plenty for a show. Typically it's nice to have a shorter song, the audience doesn't get tired with verse after verse after verse. I would actually discourage you from singing another song, as it might not be allowed as part of the competition (it is a competition, right?).

If you really want a longer song, just switch songs, don't patch two together. I like "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "Santa Baby" (maybe short by your standards as well), "Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)", "Emmanuel, God With Us"... all good stuff.

Good luck.