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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone know any auditions or casting calls in Puerto Rico?


Does anyone know any auditions or casting calls in Puerto Rico?

I've been living in Puerto Rico for a few months but it is so hard to find auditions and casting calls here. Mostly they are for models but I'm looking for auditions for singing and acting (preferably singing). Please don't answer with Objetivo Fama since I'm 16 years old and you have to be between 18-28 to be in Objetivo Fama. If anyone knows any auditions in Puerto Rico please post it or if you know anyone in the entertainment industry please let me know. Thank you so much for your time. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Talent in Puerto Rico for Film and Television Auditions and Casting Calls

To contact anyone listed on this site for a project, simply
e-mail your request to casting department. Please include the first and last name of member
as well as state or country (Puerto Rico) and details of your project.

Vanessa Tartak
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Just completed a lead in a made for Telemundo movie called: Illusion. Credits include Television Commercials in Latin America for Mattel, Coca-Cola and McDonalds