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What is a Mozart progressive chord or Mozart's progressive chords? can someone explain them to me please?

I asked someone if they would sing a song with me, but they didn't really like the piece, but they said that is there was another song that I would like to sing they would be happy to sing it with me. Well, the person said they like Mozart progressive chords, or Mozart's progressive chords, I didn't hear them too clearly so I'm not too sure which one they said. So if anyone knows which one they meant and what it is, can you please explain it to me or give me a link to something that would expain it to me, please? Or even if you can give me an example with the notes on a piano I'd be happy really... please help me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your friend might have been saying something like Chord Progression. Chord progressions are the succession or sequence of chords in a section of music. One of the features of many sequences of chords in tonal music is to move away from and then back to tonic with tonic being the focal point. As such, many compositions begin with tonic and end on tonic and most chord progressions eventually seek tonic as a final goal. Movement away from tonic tends to create tension and movement towards tonic tends to resolve tension. Much of our enjoyment of music comes from the interplay between tension and relaxation or the resolving of tension.

Most chord progressions in popular music are I-IV-V-I. Each piece of music, no matter what style is based on chord progressions. You didn't indicate as to which Mozart piece your friend was talking about. Some of his compositions are chorally very simple where others are very complexed.