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How to use the diaphram to sing?

Hi, I love singing, but I always get very tired really quick because I feel that I m using my throat to sing. I know I should use my abdominal but I really don't know how. So How do you use your diaphram and how can I tell if I m really using it? thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a vocal coach and would highly suggest that you get yourself a copy of "The New Voice" by Allan Greene. It contains a step by step process of learning not only diaphragm breathing but how to get the best possible sound out of your voice. I use some of his methodology when I teach so I can recommend it. But until you can get a copy of the book...

When you breath in, your stomach area should expand. NOT THE CHEST! If you are chest breathing, you will not get the power you are capable of getting when you sing and you will always feel like you are running out of breath. Once you get the feel of breathing into the abdomen, then try and keep your stomach expanded, the muscles pushing outward, while you sing. In fact, it is the muscles of the abdominal wall that control breath - not your diaphragm. The diaphragm operates autonomically, just like your heart muscle. To control it's action, you need to control the movement of your abdomen.

Hope this helps!