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Position:Home>Performing Arts> We have found out that our trusted treasurer has spent all our club's money!?


We have found out that our trusted treasurer has spent all our club's money!?

What can we do now?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The first thing you need to do, if you're sure the treasurer spent the money without club authorization, is to fire that person. How much money are we talking about? Theft of someone else's money is embezzlement. If the amount is more than just a few dollars, contact both the police to report the theft and a lawyer to consult with him about your options.

RustSkiPp suggests the first thing you should do is post this question in the legal section to get "a really good answer"! Do you think a lawyer might be wasting his time on this site? NO! He also implies that you need to get over it and get on with your life. He's probably a liberal Dem ... they don't believe that there are any absolute rights and wrongs anymore. I wonder if he feels the same about someone sealing his wallet or maybe his car? Theft is theft and the person who steals is a thief. Stealing is a crime. Committing a crime has consequences. Stealing money is embezzlement and there is specific punishment for those who embezzle money. What about restitution of the stolen funds? Aren't you interested in trying to get your money back?

Take a stand and take action!