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How can I sing pretty and strong at the same time?

Its weird, when i try to sing powerfully, my voice sounds ugly. When i sing softly, it sounds pretty. How can I sing loudly and powerfully (correctly of course) and still have a pretty sound?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are you breathing properly when you sing?
When you are singing you should be breathing from your diaphragm, a think muscle located under the ribcage. To check if you are using it place a hand on your ribcage and when you breathe the ribcage should expand outwards. Then as you are singing don't let the ribcage collapse. Also when you are singing it sounds more 'full' and is projected when you use 'energy' in other words, when you are singing you should be using you diaphragm and your abdominal muscles. You should not be singing from your throat. An exercise to help you remind yourself to use 'energy' is to have someone press lightly on your abdomen when you sing this will act as a reminder to use the energy from down there, rather than using your throat which would cause you to tighten, making you sound strained. Also another important thing is to remember to open your mouth when you sing. Try singing in front of a mirror you want your mouth to be opened so the sound can come out. There other things, though the best thing would be to get a vocal coach/teacher as they can see what you are doing and tell you how to fix it. I hope this helps and good luck! ^_^