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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does the thicker drumhead go on top or the bottom of a drum?


Does the thicker drumhead go on top or the bottom of a drum?

I had to put together a drumset as a christmas present, and the drumheads confused me. I just need to know if the thicker drumhead goes on top of the drum or on the bottom.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the thicker one always goes on top. but just remember that there are different thicknesses for different drums. plus, you'd want the thicker one on top to hit it. the drum wouldn't sound right if the thicker head was on the bottom. the vibrations would be all screwed up. plus you'd be breaking the head a lot more often than you would like. be prepared to be buying a lot of drum heads. they can break just when you're tuning them. yes, you tune drum heads. put them on too tight, and they'll break. and if you're putting on heads that came with the set, be prepared for them to be crappy. warehouse heads never sound good. but if you don't care, then no biggie. if you have a friend that plays set, it's always a good idea to bring them over so they can teach you how to put it together and all the stuff that goes with having a set. good luck!