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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do you think of exotic dancers and why is the public so against them?


What do you think of exotic dancers and why is the public so against them?

The 1st time I wasn't specfic with the dance type...sorry. I'm not giving my opinion because, once again, it would contaminate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is just a job. People have the choice not to enter a strip club, just as women have the choice to become strippers.

Not all exotic dancers are drug addicts. I'm not naive, yes, there are women in this industry who use drugs, just as in any other career. But most clubs would not hire a dancer with meth mouth, track marks, or one who shows up late and hung-over after a night of drinking and binging on cocaine.

Strippers are not taken advantage of! If anyone is, it's the dumb, drunk, slobbering, men throwing $20s and $50s at the dancer who wouldn't even speak to them if she wasn't working.

Exotic dancers are not prostitutes. Once again, yes, there are strippers who do "extras" or "favors" but they are few and it is certainly not a job requirement. This would get a dancer fired, because it jeopardizes the club's license.

I am in control of my job and what I do on stage. I would never do anything that would make me feel uncomfortable. I am in no way degraded, any dancer who thinks she is being degraded has bought into the stereotype and is too busy with self-pity to think for herself. I have fun and I am paid very well. It may not be for everyone, but I love my job and do not see myself quitting any time soon.