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Cirque du Soleil?

going to see Cirque du Soleil..what is appropriate to wear at an event like this???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on which show you're going to see. If you're seeing one of the shows at one of the hotels in Las Vegas, you may want to dress up a bit, but if you're going to see one of the shows like La Nouba, don't worry about it. I've gone to see Cirque du Soleil: La Nouba at Downtown Disney at the Walt Disney World Resort twice, and it really doesn't matter if you dress up or not. Most of the people who go to that show just wear jeans and whatever shirt they want because they're just on vacation at Walt Disney World. There's no need to dress up - theme park attire is fine.

Anyway, have fun! I've seen most of the other Cirque du Soleil shows on TV, and they're all wonderful!