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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I use standord grip on the snare, and I cant get my left hand thats under the st


I use standord grip on the snare, and I cant get my left hand thats under the stick to match my right hand.?

That means my right hand is like 3 times faster than my left, I hate traditional, cause I like to do DCI flips with my stick, I have seen peeps go really fast on the snare with like 16th and above notes and there stics always match when they hit, help me please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One thing that I have done to improve the speed and stamina of my left hand is practice a normal routine leading with my left. It is terribly awkward at first but over time I felt just as comfortable leading with my left as with my right. I did this on my solo snare drum work as well as my drum set playing and realized how dominant my lead hand really was. Just using my left hand as my "ride" or "time" hand on the set totally increased the stamina, speed and accuracy of my lefty and reminded my right hand how to hold back and work the accents of the back beat.