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??key signatures??

what r the key signatures to:

B, A, Ab, E, Gb, and Db (BASS CLEFF) ....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: BEADGCF is the order of flats and FCGDAEB is the order of sharps.

To know what flat key you're in, look at the last flat and go back one. Example: you have two flats, they would always be Bb and Eb. Go back one and you get the key of Bb. You have three flats, they will always be, Bb, Eb, and Ab. Go back one and it's the key of Eb.

For sharps it's a little different. Find the last sharp and go up a step. Example: If you have three sharps, they will always be F#, C#, and G#. The last sharp is G. Go up one step and you end up on A. Three sharps is the key of A. Another Example: If you have 4 sharps, they will always be F#, C#, G#, and D#. Go up one step from the last sharp (D#) and you have the key of E.

Let me know if you need ANY more help. I LOVE this stuff!!!