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Vandoren Reeds?

I've been using Vandoren 3.5 traditional reeds, but I had to borrow a reed from somebody and it was a 3 Rico. Not a Rico Royal even. But I kept it b/c my tone really improved. But I'm going to get some Vandoren reeds. I've been thinking of going to the V12. It says they're a 1/2 number lower than the traditional. So I should get a 2.5? What about the 56 Rue reeds? A 2.5 also? Are the 56 Rue ones any good? Or should I just go for the V12. I've heard good things about the V12 from my friend who's a music major. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All of the brands that you listed are good. The problem with reeds is that every single one is different. (You know this already.) Plus everyone has a different embouchure. Every reed in a display probably comes from a different cane. The variables are without end. Therefore, I can't recommend what works best for you. But I can make a suggestion (even though it isn't cheap).

You know you like the 3.5 Vandorens. Buy three each of the Vandoren 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0s. Also buy three each of the same hardnesses in the other brands. Take them home and prepare them as you should (closing the pores with beeswax or pressure, soaking them, drying on glass, etc.) Then try them all. Mark them on the back and don't look at the marking until you're done. Take notes about what you like and don't like. Try trimming or scraping the ones you don't like.

Out of each set of three, you should find one that you like best (without having to trim it). Then compare them all. Pick the one you like best, second best, etc. Play on each one for a while. See which one you prefer.

As you can imagine, there still isn't a guarantee that the one you like best today will be the same as the one you buy tomorrow - even in the same hardness and brand.

Also, don't get hung up on a Rico vs a Rico Royal. If it works, that's all that matters. Most professionals make or modify their own. They apply wax, they close the pores with pressure, they soak them, they bend them, they trim them, they scrape them. If you are happy with them out of the box, then find the one you like the best (regardless of brand and hardness). If you want control, make or modify your own.