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How to hold a note?

I have proper breathing. When I hold a note, think of it as a rubberband. When I hold the note properly, the rubberband is at rest. I can hold a note for about 6 sec. then it is like someone is flicking the rubberband. My pitch jumps frequencies.

Example: 5 means proper pitch. A number higher than 5 means I go sharp. A number lower than 5 means I go flat. This is what it is like when I hold a note:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you are adolescent, your voice is changing. It will do this for awhile, don't worry, it'll work itself out.

If you're past that, your vibrato is working itself out. It might need some help getting there, though, so get a voice teacher and have them help you.

You may also want to record yourself and see if it sounds as drastic to others as it does to you. As my vibrato came in it sounded to me like my voice skipped all over the place, but my voice teacher assured me it sounded fine, and lo and behold, on the recording of our lesson it sounded fine.

Good luck.